Public Knowledge Questions AT&T Data Cap Plan
Public Knowledge Questions AT&T Data Cap Plan
Public Knowledge Questions AT&T Data Cap Plan

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    The Wall Street Journal reported this morning that
    AT&T plans the equivalent of an 800 number for wireless app developers and
    content providers.  Under the plan, app
    developers or content providers, not customers, would pay for the data used and
    the data would not apply to a customer’s data cap.

    The story is here.

    The following is attributed to Harold Feld, legal
    director of Public Knowledge:

     “This new plan is unfortunate because it
    shows how fraudulent the AT&T data cap is, and calls into question the
    whole rationale of the data caps.  Apparently it has nothing to do with
    network management.  It’s a tool to get more revenue from developers and

     “The plan creates two new groups of
    customers and app developers — those who pay AT&T extra for the privilege
    of being exempt from the cap and those who don’t.  The recent Validas
    study has already shown that data caps on unlimited users are essentially
    worthless, yet AT&T keeps imposing them and lowering them down to 2 GB.

    “We are disappointed that the FCC has ignored the two requests we have made for
    the agency to investigate the need for both wireless and landline broadband
    caps.  There is still no rationale for why they are needed, what the
    network costs are, how they are imposed and how many customers are subject to

     “This is exactly the type of market
    manipulation we hoped the FCC’s Open Internet rules would prevent.  If the Commission does not believe it has the
    authority under those rules to investigate this practice, it should do so under
    its general authority over wireless services.”