Media Alert: PK Joins Letter Defending Broadband Privacy to Senate Judiciary Subcommittee
Media Alert: PK Joins Letter Defending Broadband Privacy to Senate Judiciary Subcommittee
Media Alert: PK Joins Letter Defending Broadband Privacy to Senate Judiciary Subcommittee

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    Today, Public Knowledge joins more than 10 other public interest groups in a letter promoting broadband privacy to Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) and Sen. Al Franken (D-MN).

    The following can be attributed to the letter, available here:

    “Broadband is the basic communications network of the 21st Century, and providers of broadband Internet access service (BIAS), including fixed and mobile telephone, cable, and satellite television providers, are gatekeepers to the Internet. With this unique role comes both the ability and the financial incentive to observe and monetize a significant amount of activity and content that consumers engage in online. Consumers can choose to subscribe to a website or online service, but if they are to remain connected to jobs, health care, education, and the global economy, consumers have no choice but to use a BIAS service. If consumers cannot trust their broadband provider to protect their content and personal information, the result could be an erosion of consumer privacy and chilling of online speech.”

    Please contact us to arrange an interview if you have any questions. You may view the letter here.

    Members of the media may contact Communications Director Shiva Stella with inquiries, interview requests, or to join the Public Knowledge press list at or 405-249-9435.